Kids Safety Network

Born like an 80-yr-old, this infant has astonished doctors but loving parents call him ‘Miracle Baby’!

Born like an 80-yr-old, this infant has astonished doctors but loving parents call him ‘Miracle Baby’!

Parents love is so pure that it doesn’t matter how their child is born, overlooking any deformities they accept their baby! There are many weird cases from all over the world about baby’s born with unknown syndromes, following those lines this baby from Bangladesh has Progeria or popularly known as ‘Real life Benjamin Button’ condition where a child looks very old with withering skin, wrinkled face and bulged eyes. Hats off to his parents who strongly believe that the baby is a born ‘Miracle!’

Credits: YouTube Screenshot.
In the district of Magura, Bangladesh, this baby born to Biswajit Patro and Parul Patro has a rare condition called Progeria. The baby appears to adopt the features of an old person and the doctors have openly stated that he looks nothing close to a new born!

Credits: YouTube Screenshot.
However, the Biswajit, who is a farmer could not contain his happiness after seeing his new born. He feels that the number of curious visitors has become relatively higher than before yet we are happy to have a baby boy in the house after our girl child earlier. They are a happy family of four!

This baby boy has many prominent signs of ageing like wrinkles and rough skin on the back of his body which is covered with hair. The doctors are not certain of his treatment methods but are presently happy for the family.

Credits: YouTube Screenshot.
Parents like these give us an important message that abandoning a baby due to his flaws is never a solution, it is our duty to raise and nurture them into beautiful human beings irrespective of any other factor!

Progeria is a rare condition that hits very few baby among millions, it is stated that these babies don’t live more than 13years. Let us hope this baby gets treated and lives a long and happy life!

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