Kids Safety Network

Baby Dies While Sleeping In Car Seat

Baby Put In Car Seat To Sleep And Dies From Positional Asphyxiation

Derek and Ali Dodd dropped their baby son, Shepard, off at the daycare.

At the day care, an employee placed the child to bed in a car seat instead of a crib. 2 hours later, when the employee returned to check on Shepard, he was completely blue.

It was too late to call 911 as Shepard had already passed away.

This incident serves as a serious warning to parents – Babies are never to be set to bed in a car seat or a bouncer.

Sleeping in this kind of seats can suffocate a baby if they are not strapped in correctly.

The cause of death in this incident has been recorded as “positional asphyxiation.”

Derek shared this story in order to raise awareness to parents and caregivers. He does not want other parents to go through the same horrific fate he and his family have experienced.

“Positional asphyxiation” is a term not often heard and to show just how “unknown” this issue is, Ali pointed out that the initial report failed to include their son Shepard’s death.

“What it says on there for our incident…it says she allowed a baby to sleep in a car seat. It doesn’t say anything about him dying. Even parents, wouldn’t even know that he died in her care.”

The family was even more devastated that the day care had received a warning about putting children to sleep in car seats just days prior to the incident.

“She knew better. She was counseled just days before by DHS. She had had a violation eleven days before.”

The day care had recently had their license revoked, following the incident.



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