Kids Safety Network

Baby Dies After Being Found Unconscious In Mop Bucket

Tulsa, Oklahoma Police say that an 8-month-old baby boy is dead after being found unresponsive in a mop bucket.

The baby was found at the Sandy Park Apartments, 6300 West 11th Street. He was found unresponsive, and was taken to St. John Hospital, police said.

His Mom, Heather Freeman, told investigators that she had given the baby a bottle earlier that morning and then gone back to sleep. When she woke up, she found him in the mop bucket next to the bed.

The baby was soaked from head to toe, officers said.

There were other children present in the house – a 4-year-old and 18-month-old twins.

The Mother told officials that she believes the older children at some point pushed the bucket over to the bed, and the baby had rolled into it.

When she discovered what had happened, she took the infant out into the parking lot, crying for help. The infant died shortly thereafter at the hospital.

Police are investigating and are calling it a suspicious death at this time. The other children were removed from the home for the time being.


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