Kids Safety Network

Baby Born Holding His Mom’s Birth Control Coil

Lucy Hellein, from Alabama, really did not expect to see what she did when she gave birth to her baby.

Her son was delivered by midwives – clutching her coil – which is in fact designed to stop her from getting pregnant in the first place!

The photo was uploaded to Facebook last week has been shared over 71 000 times to date!

She said to Metro: “Dexter was definitely meant to be. His original due date was May 4th and even the doctor said “the force was strong with this one. Although he wasn’t planned, my family and I feel incredibly blessed.”

Hellein added that it was actually her third Mirena device, which is a hormonal form of the coil, she had been fitted with in August 2016.

Despite it being a 99 per cent effective contraceptive, she discovered she was pregnant just before Christmas last year.

She was told she was already 18 weeks along when she found out she was pregnant, which suggested she had conceived just days after it was planted inside her uterus.

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