Kids Safety Network

This Baby Was Born 4 Months Prematurely And Had A 15% Chance To Live, What Happened Next Is Amazing

Born 4 months prematurely, this baby was given a 15% chance to live.


Doctors said the odds were against baby Francis. He was the sickest newborn in the hospital which became increasingly more worrying…

A nurse suggested decorating the room to brighten up the environment. Francis’ Aunt Added ‘Finding Nemo’ Inspired Art. Which raised everyone’s spirits

But Francis’ future was still very uncertain. Francis’s uncle who’d been filming the family ordeal sent over a video.

It was of ‘Finding Nemo’ creator Andrew Stanton.

Stanton was born prematurely, he spoke of how grateful he was to his parents who never gave up on it.

This inspired Francis’ family giving hope for his potential

Francis kept growing…

Fate had his uncle sit next to Andrew Stanton on a plane. After hearing Francis’ story, Andrew sent him a special message.

Francis is now over a year old and still swimming 🙂

Video Below…

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