Kids Safety Network

Attempted Child Abduction In Monroe Being Investigated

On Thursday 7/27/17 at about 8:00PM, in the 600 block of Eastchester St., a 12 yr old boy was taking trash to the curb from his residence.

The boy says a red, possibly Pontiac van, drove past him, came around the block, and pulled up next to the curb. The driver then called for him to get into the van.

The boy says he ran back into his residence and waited for his father to return home. The father contacted the Monroe Police Department once he arrived at home.

The boy said he did not recognize the driver, whom he described as a White Male, approximately in his 40-50’s, with several tattoo’s, and a black hat.

Officer Timmins and Officer Sawdy spoke with a neighbor who advised she did see a Red Pontiac van possibly early 2000’s model year in the area. She said she has never seen the van before and was not able to see the driver.

Officers checked the area, locating a matching van, in the area of E. Eight St. and Jerome St. They observed a black hat with the word “Sheriff” written on the front, sitting on the dash board.

The vehicle was unoccupied and had an Ohio registration plate. Nearby residences in the area were checked; however, were unable to locate the vehicle owner or driver.

Officers photographed the vehicle. No further complaints were made regarding this vehicle or driver. Anyone with information, regarding the driver of this vehicle, should please contact the Monroe Police Department at (734)-243-7502

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