Kids Safety Network

3-Year-Old Girl Saves Baby Brother’s Life

A 3-year-old girl has been deemed a hero after saving her little brother’s life. Joze-Lynn Kern from Silsbee, Texas immediately notified her family after realizing the baby brother stopped breathing.

“He was dying; he couldn’t breathe or anything,”Joze-Lynn said. She rushed in to tell her Grandmother who says the incident nearly, “scared her to death.”

The 2-week-old baby was rushed to Baptist hospital in Beaumont.

Regan Sciarrilla, director of Pediatrics, said his condition is not uncommon among newborns and his lack of breathing was most likely caused by acid reflux. If it wasn’t for Joze-Lynn’s concern for her brother, he would have suffocated to death.

With young infants, there’s a thing called reflux,” said Sciarrilla. “Food comes up from their tummy and if it comes up too high, it can cut off their breathing.”

Once the baby was in the care of the hospital, “he gasped for air,” according to the Mother, Autumn. Doctors say that if it wasn’t for Joze-Lynn and the family’s quick response to the scare, the situation could have turned out worse.

The mother-of-three praises her superhero daughter for her attentive observation which saved her son from dying.

If it wasn’t for my daughter, he wouldn’t be here today,” she said. “Not only does he have a big sister; he’s got a big hero.”

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