Kids Safety Network

3-Year-Old Girl Calls 911 After Being Left Home Alone By Caregiver

Teaching our kids what to do in case of emergencies is of great importance. We teach them about calling 911 and who they should speak to if they’re ever in trouble.

It’s difficult to tell what exactly is the right age to start teaching our kids as well, because we’re not quite sure when they’re even understanding what we’re telling them.

As parents, we also do everything possible to have caregivers we trust taking care of our kids.

We hope that the people who take care for our kids treat them as they were their own.

That means that loving them and nurturing them and never putting them in harms way.

Sadly we’ve seen too many cases where a caregiver breaches the trust a parent has given them. Sometimes the results of that breach of trust is tragic.

But at other times it’s a reminder of what could have gone wrong. While most caregivers are loving and trusting, some are just plain neglectful.

Thanks to a quick-thinking 3-year-old, she and her 1-year-old brother were rescued after she called 911. The toddler and her brother were left home ALONE by the caregiver in unsafe conditions.

Anytime that a parent leaves their kid in the care of another, they trust that the children will be cared for. It doesn’t matter who you are or how much money you have, you trust that others will love your child just as much as you do.

Sometimes, that just doesn’t happen.

The 3-year-old and her 1-year-old brother were left home alone by their caregiver in their Florida trailer park.

To make matters even worse, the kids were left alone with three dogs and a shotgun within their reach. The ammunition for the gun was also in reach.

The three-year-old managed to call 911, but when dispatchers couldn’t understand what the child was saying, they immediately sent people to the home.

Click Orlando reported that the police needed the help of the trailer park manager to gain access to the home, and once inside the conditions were scary.

Police reportedly found the 3-year-old wearing a dirty diaper while her 1-year-old brother was also wearing a dirty diaper inside a playpen. One of the 3 dogs was running loose while the other two dogs were in cages in the kitchen.

In addition to dog feces on the floor of the trailer, police noted that there was barely and food in the trailer and there was a shotgun and ammunition within reach of the children.

A neighbor told police that the children’s 26-year-old babysitter, Yajaira Tirado left on a golf cart around 7:30 in the morning. Authorities said it was two hours before they were able to track down Tirado and the golf cart.

The Sheriff’s report says that Tirado initially claimed that “she had only been gone for five minutes.”

She also stated that “she checked on the children at 8:50 a.m. but left to have coffee with a friend when she saw they were both sleeping.”

A press release states that Tirado later admitted to lying about how long the children were left for. She admitted that she knew they were home alone.

Authorities also stated that Tirado claimed she thought that the gun was broken.

InsideEdition reported that authorities contacted a family member who works out of town. That family member said that Tirado sometimes watches the kids.

They said she uses the golf cart to go to the grocery store. Tirado was arrested on two counts of child neglect without great harm and she has since been released on $5,000 bond.

Hopefully nobody asks her to babysit for them any time soon!

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