Kids Safety Network

Is Your Child A WorryWart?

You might hear teachers calling your little one anxious or hesitant if you have an anxious little one. You might notice your child doesn’t want to try new things or has difficulty separating from you more often than not. There are many indicators that will show you have an anxious child, rather than say having a child who has normal developmental fears for his or her age. For example, around age four it is not uncommon for children to be afraid of the dark. It is also common for children to be anxious when separating from a parent as he or she starts kindergarten, but it is a sign of anxiety if your child is always upset when you are gone and has trouble being comforted.

How do you know if your child is an anxious child or simply going through a developmental stage? Here are some signs:

Not Shy– Anxious

Being shy is one thing– avoiding social situations and peers, dreading being called on in class or panicking over introducing oneself to a peer could be a sign of social anxiety disorder.

Can’t Leave You. Ever

Between the ages of eighteen months and 3 years, children experience separation anxiety from their parents, but if your child is older and cannot be left by you or another person in the family, you could have an anxious child on your hands. It’s normal for kids to get upset with new changes but if the idea of leaving you or someone else causes your child great distress and he or she has a hard time coming back around, it may be a sign of anxiety.

Selective Mutism

If your child refuses to talk in a social situation or academic in such a severe manner that your child has difficulty with his or her peers, this is called selective mutism and believe it or not, is a sign of anxiety.

General WorryWart

If your child worries about anything and everything and tends to fear the worst, your little one may have anxiety.

Other common signs of anxiety in children can include:

Here is a list of helpful tips for anxious children.

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