Kids Safety Network

3-Day-Old Abandoned Baby Found Covered In Red Ants

A 3-day-old Baby born in the Philippines shortly before New Years Day was left abandoned outside a house.

A young man found the baby after hearing her cries. He immediately ran home to tell his mother, who was later shocked to see the baby covered in red ants.

The women then reportedly bathed the screaming child and reported the incident to the Police. Her son then led authorities to the house where he found the baby however the owner claimed they never heard a baby crying.

The home where the baby was left had a number of dogs on the premises, which placed the child in even more danger.

Due to the Department of Social Welfare and Development being closed for the holidays, the baby has stayed with the family since being found. They have even named the child “Decemaine” and are growing close to the little girl.

Authorities are stull trying to locate the child’s parents in the hopes that they would have a change of heart.


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