Kids Safety Network

Shocking: House Fire Causes 3 Children`s Death While 11 Year Old Babysits

A really horrific incident occurred in Sheboygan, WI recently when parents were out at what is said to have been bible study while their four kids — 11, 10, 9 and 7 — were home. A fire then broke out and the Sheboygan Press reported that one of the children escaped. The oldest went back in to get the younger ones and she died, as did her 7 year old brother. Their 10 year old brother is still in critical condition.

There’s now a lot of debate about whether or not these kids were old enough to be left alone at home without adult supervision. However it’s certainly not the parent’s fault that the fire broke out. This incident is a real tragedy, either way you look at it.

Have you ever wondered what you would do if a fire were to break out in your home?

Here are some important prevention and safety tips when it comes to home fires, which you can educate your children with:

Teach your kids to:

If a fire should break out, ensure you and your children are prepared:

An important thing to remember is that if your clothing catches fire, remember to stop where you are and drop to the ground. Cover your face and mouth with your hands, and roll over and over until the flames are out.

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