This Mom’s Hilarious Bikini Body Parody Has Left Us In Stitches

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An Irish mother living in the UK has gone viral for her hilarious post about her bikini body. The video features a mash up of improvised versions of songs like Beyoncé’s “Crazy Right Now”, Lady Gaga’s “Born This Way” to Katy Perry’s “Firework” to name a few.

Riona O’Connor, 36, who goes by the handle of ‘Riona – The Unnatural Woman’ on her social media profiles released the video on Wednesday and already the video has been viewed by around 300,000 people.

The video begins with the mother of one searching “How To Get A Bikini Body”, and realizing she just has to put a bikini on. Que 2 minutes of pure genius, in a video that features an honest yet hilarious view on the bikini body.

This is me. In a shop. With baguettes. In my bikini. I’m looking pretty happy. I did have great craic filming this (it’s for an upcoming video) but editing it has been a struggle. Lots of belly rolls flying around the screen, lots of my back fat undulating like the ripples in a pond, my cellulite thighs roaming around a much bigger circumference than I’d like. But there I am, swinging those baguettes, looking like I couldn’t give a crap. But this is what most women look like right? If they don’t have the rolls they have the ripples, if they don’t have the ripples they have the roaming cellulite. We all have SOMETHING! Women, Men, Girls, Boys, I love to be the bearer of good news. It’s OK to tell all the fashion magazines, pornos and ‘get your tits out’ papers to fuck right off. They’re not real. A tiny percentage of women actually look like that, have sex like that, or make noises like that!!! I’m sick of judging my fabulous, life giving, sexy, awesome day to day living enabling body a hard time bases on an illusion. Fuck them all. It’s a fantasy. A weird fantasy that has become the societal norm. I’m so excited because I can see that ‘norm’ changing. Slowly slowly slowly it’s becoming real. Just like us! #backfat #realwomen #wobblybits #bodypositive #livingisbeautiful

A post shared by Riona – The Unnatural Woman (@mrsrionaoconnor) on

Wearing a two piece swimsuit, Riona can be seen parading around on the beach, in a playground and even going to local supermarket Tesco flaunting her beautiful curves.

“I have never ever felt comfortable or confident in any swimwear, not to mention a bikini, so this video is a way to really challenge myself and other women to change the perception of what a bikini body means. I decided to put my money where my mouth was, and really push myself to accept the body I come in, wobbly bits, jiggly bits, and all,” Riona says.

The video called ‘Bikini Karaoke- Parody MashUp’ features the description “For the bikini fearing, cellulite despairing, wobble embracers who dare to jiggle!”

At one point Riona is taking her son for a walk singing “Don’t have a thigh gap, All shapes deserve to sashay. Check out my milk rack, Baby I was born this way.” to the tune of Gaga’s ‘Born This Way’.

Riona says she ‘had great craic filming’ the video but found the editing process to be a struggle. In an Instagram post she described what it felt like to see herself on screen. “Lots of belly rolls flying around the screen, lots of my back fat undulating like the ripples in a pond, my cellulite thighs roaming around a much bigger circumference than I’d like. But there I am, swinging those baguettes, looking like I couldn’t give a crap.”

Having clearly learned to love her body and poke fun at the ‘norm’, Riona can be seen sitting in a bar surrounded by other women singing, “I don’t care what size I measure, I just wanna eat my cheddar.”

Riona has received a lot of praise from the online community with some calling her “brave”. However, she says “I don’t believe I should be called brave, I think showing my body or any body should just be normal, no big deal.”

Bikini Karaoke is not the first video Riona has been praised for, in fact, her Facebook posts in general are very empowering and influential to other moms or women in general. You can follow her on Facebook and Instagram where you’re sure not to be disappointed. Find the links here:

Also, be sure to check the video out here:

“For me, it means that we are all perfection. There is no one way, no one perfect body, ”Riona says.

PHOTOS: Riona O Connor Facebook/ Instagram

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