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16 Noticeable Symptoms Of Baby Girl During Pregnancy

16 Noticeable Symptoms Of Baby Girl During Pregnancy

As a pregnant mom, wondering whether that little bundle of joy inside you is a pretty little girl or a cute little boy is a question with which you’re probably familiar. Common sense dictates that increasing your chances of conceiving a girl or a boy are old wives tales. But, what if there is some truth to these legends? Can certain symptoms indicate that you’ll be a proud mom of a baby girl? As incredible as it sounds, it is true! Here we learn more about these symptoms and signs of having a girl baby!

Symptoms Of Baby Girl During Pregnancy:

Some of the noticeable symptoms of baby girl during pregnancy are:

1. Higher Heart Rate:

2. High Or Low?
During pregnancy, if you appear to carry your baby higher it indicates that you are pregnant with a baby girl.

3. Severe Morning Sickness:

4. Skin Acne:

5. Shape Of The Belly:

6. Mood Swings:

7. Breast Size:

8. The Garlic Test:

9. Do You Sleep On A Particular Side?
If you sleep on your right side for most of your pregnancy, you can expect giving birth to a baby girl.

10. The Skull Theory:
When you are pregnant with a girl symptoms then the ultrasound picture shows that your baby possesses a tapered head and rounded lower jaw.

11. The Baking Powder Test:

12. Hair Texture And Glossiness:
If your hair looks thin and dull, it means that you’re carrying a girl. Whereas, shiny and glossy hair indicates that you are carrying a baby boy.

13. Urine Color:
The color of your urine helps determine your baby’s sex. Dull yellow colored urine indicates the sign of carrying a girl baby.

14. Craving Sweets?
When you crave for sweet foods like chocolates and yummy ice-cream, you are having a baby girl. Craving for salty and savory snacks and cheese indicates that you’re expecting a boy.

15. How Big Your Boobs Become?
When you notice a dramatic change in the size of your boobs, you’re expecting a girl. In the case of a baby boy, the change is not even noticeable.

16. Clumsy Or Graceful?
Well, this one is probably for the next section. But, it is said that if you remain graceful throughout your pregnancy, you are going to have a beautiful baby girl.

Well-Known Old Wives’ Tales To Determine Your Baby’s Sex:

Let us look at some of the popular old wives’ tales that help determine your newborn’s sex:

1. Ring Test:

2. Body Clues:

3. Chinese Birth Calendar:

4. The Linea Nigra:

Can A Pregnancy Gender Test Determine Your Baby’s Sex?

Most new parents remain extremely curious to find out the gender of their would-be baby. They wish to start shopping, choose their baby’s name and decorate the baby’s nursery accordingly. By knowing their baby’s gender, they can accomplish such tasks easily. For such reasons, many parents look for the pregnancy-gender test that will determine whether they will have a boy or a girl.

You can buy the pregnancy gender test kit from a local pharmacy. The test strip uses your urine to determine the gender of your newborn baby. Though the test kit claims to be 90 percent accurate, they aren’t particularly accurate.

Many people use these test kits for gender prediction, but it is better to opt for medical tests like ultrasound. The USG provides a clear picture of your baby’s private area.

How To Conceive A Baby Girl Naturally?

As you have already decided to have a little pink bundle of joy in your life, follow the effective measures to conceive a baby girl naturally:

1. Pinpoint Your Ovulation Date:

2. Have Sex 2-3 Days Before Ovulation:

3. Stay Shallow:

4. Avoid Orgasm:

5. Favorable Sex Positions:

6. Dietary Changes:

7. The Shettles Method:

8. Make Your Partner Take A Hot Bath:

9. Using Douching Method:

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