Kids Safety Network

10 Parental Rules Parent Must Know

10 Parental Rules Parent Must Know

Many parents dream of a genius child. But despite all the tips and tricks on children’s upbringing, there is no definite rule book on how to raise one.

On the other hand, some parents do not have to resort to psychology articles and parental forums, and their kids often turn out to be little geniuses. We decided to learn their secret and discovered several important rules.

10. Reward independence

In some families, parents are convinced that children will succeed in life if they believe they can do anything. But it’s much more important to make children understand that they can do anything themselves.
Thanks to this mindset, children will know that they don’t just go with the flow but shape their future.

9. All things are difficult before they are easy

To become independent, children’s endeavors must be acknowledged and cherished. If a kid started a new hobby, at any age, their parents should support and encourage them.
If something does not go well, older relatives can always say “All beginnings are difficult.”

8. Trust is the best reward

So how should we reward those endeavors? Not with candy, and that’s for sure.
You need to keep in mind that a child can be rewarded with trust. If he is fully trusted to do a task by himself, to the child it means he is doing a good job.

7. The outer is not everything

Another important difference lies in the fact that future geniuses are never focused on the exterior.
The truth is that keeping your child clean and neat on the outside takes too much effort and time from the parent, as well as the child. Wise parents consider it useless to the child’s personal growth and development to always keep clean clothes on. Children themselves don’t care at all what they look like.

6. Accepting untidiness

Kids are often surrounded by chaos which does not bother their wise parents. They understand: children are untidy, they knock things over, they spill everything around them.
That’s why, instead of nagging their kids about their untidy rooms, they allow them to live however they deem comfortable, explaining why tidiness is useful to them with time.

5. All energy runs out eventually

Some parents can spend the whole day running around and telling kids, “Don’t climb that!“ ”Don’t touch this!” or “Calm down!”
Wise parents of such energetic kids find it important for the children to let it all out while they are still young. This way, as adults, they will be more confident and persistent in all their endeavors.

4. Wise freedom

Indeed, ingenious kids are allowed many things. Even another drawing on the wallpaper is seen as a sign that a kid has the artistic potential of a great painter.
However, there is a line which even such children cannot cross: disrespecting their family. It may only take a judging look if he dyes your cat pink, but insulting a parent will earn the kid a much harsher punishment

3. Dad is the leader, and so is mom

Respect for parents is taught from an early age. Every kid in the household knows that her parents are the leaders, and anything she does is of less importance.
Therefore, children never depend on their parents to do or get something for them, but instead they try to achieve things by themselves.

2. Child self-control exists

Instead of punishing a child by taking something away, it’s better to set rules granting a certain benefit for a correct action.
If a child does not think narrowly in terms of restrictions and punishments, he learns to correct his behavior for his own good.

1. Nothing goes unnoticed

Modern psychologists advise you not to praise your child for any scribble, thereby stimulating his development. Parents of future geniuses are nonetheless convinced that any achievement must be rewarded.
Even if such a mother’s child brings her a napkin with unrecognizable scribbles all over it, she will find a pattern and proudly present it as a painting to the rest of the family.

According to Bright side.
Illustrator Leonid Khan for

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