Kids Safety Network

Sugar Is Addictive Just Like Alcohol And Cocaine

It’s no secret that too much sugar in one’s diet is bad for your health, but the video below actually shows how sugar is actually killing us. Sugar is addictive just like alcohol and cocaine – consuming or just thinking about it causes a euphoric effect which triggers the produce of Dopamine in the brain which is a neurotransmitter that controls pleasure and reward motivated behavior.

Here are some specifics about sugar:

Why is sugar so bad for you?

5 Simple Things to do to avoid and reverse the effects of high sugar intake

  1. Avoid sugary drinks – give tea and carbonated water a try. Why drink all your calories?
  2. Read food labels carefully. Processed foods are convenient but it is often loaded with sugar and provides little nutrition.
  3. Exercise regularly – even a half hour daily walk can help relieve stress, control blood sugar levels and cravings.
  4. Do not trust processed low fat foods. Missing fats are usually replaced by added salt and sugar.
  5. Eat more fibre – at least 25-30g per day. Fibre is high in vitamins and anti-oxidants and also keeps you fuller for longer.

It’s all about making wiser choices as part of a well- balanced diet!

Via YouTube

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