Kids Safety Network

Mom Leaves Two-Year-Old With Meth-head Babysitter… This Happens!

In Chattanooga, TN, A 35-year-old woman, Charissa Frady, has been arrested after a two-year-old child fell from a window, while under her care. Frady was reportedly under the influence of methamphetamine at the time.

Police spoke to a Child Protective Service Investigator who said that she had received a call about a two-year-old in the hospital who had multiple injuries – including a fractured femur, a broken pelvis, two possible broken legs, spinal injury as well as scratches and bruises.

Everyone living in Frady’s two-story house will be tested for drugs, says the investigator. She said that according to the child’s mother, Lakisha Banther, at the time of the incident, she had gone to the store and left her 2 children with the suspect, who is a friend of hers.

“I was gone 10 minutes. 10 minutes,” Lakisha Banther, the child’s mother said.

Lakisha Banther said that in a matter of minutes she received a disturbing text message.

Frady admitted to police that she had used meth that day and was under the influence. She had not been watching the children at the time and that she was in the kitchen while they were walking around the house. She did not know how the victim fell or got out of the window. Police Officers also found meth in her possession.

The Department of Children’s Services have taken the children into custody and Frady was charged with aggravated child abuse or neglect and possession of methamphetamine.

The two-year-old had to undergo surgery and is recovering from the injuries.


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